Access to Energy Fund

Start Year


End Year



Geographical Scope



The Access to Energy Fund (AEF) is a fund managed by the Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) on behalf of the Dutch government that supports private sector projects aimed at providing longterm access to energy services. The fund supports energy generation, transmission and distribution projects in developing countries and focuses on sustainable energy solutions. Our main fossil fuel sources – oil, coal and gas – are finite natural resources, and we are depleting them at a rapid rate. Climate change has become a reality and is changing our future. This is intensifying the race to come up with energy solutions that are affordable for all and produced in ways that can be sustained by the global economy and the planet.

The fund supports energy generation, transmission and distribution projects in developing countries. The fund focuses on sustainable energy solutions, which is a focus area for FMO as a whole. 

Main Objectives

The AEF seeks to provide 3.2 million people in developing countries with access to energy services by 2018. By expanding access to energy, the fund aims to boost economic development and alleviate poverty.

Main Activities

The fund supports energy generation, transmission and distribution projects in developing countries, ultimately aiming to connect 3 million people
The fund can either directly invest in or lend to a project or motivate a wider range of investor interest.
The funding possibilities include: - Minority shares in equity investments - Loans of up to € 7 million – in euros, US$ or local currencies - Early stage equity to contribute to the high-risk, early stage project development phase

Outcomes and Impact

516 MegaWatt Installed capacity
3,194 Direct jobs supported
Stable renewable energy in Madagascar
Modular biodigesters in Kenya

Annual Budget (in millions)


Currency Used


Modes of Financing

Patnering Entities

Development Partner
Financing Agency

Energy Sectors and Subsectors

Energy Efficiency
Substations, Transmission lines or Distribution Lines
Renewable Energy


Contact Person or Organisation


FMO (rep office)


Floor Van Oppen,

Fund Manager


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