Access to Basic Services in Rural Areas and Capacity Building

Start Year


End Year



Geographical Scope



The objectives of the Access to Basic Services in Rural Areas and Capacity Building Project for Gabon are to expand access to water and energy services in targeted rural areas and to establish mechanisms to improve sustainability of service provision. There are three components to the project, the first component being expansion of access to basic services in rural areas. This component will provide access to electricity and water in targeted rural areas (individual and social-public areas) through (a) rehabilitation and construction of rural electrification infrastructure, including installation of solar home systems (SHSs) and mini-grid solutions; (b) construction and installation of wells and water pipes for drinkable water; and (c) provision of goods and equipment required for the purpose. The same villages will benefit from all these activities. The second component is the Implementation support, supervision, and M&E. This component will finance a number of implementation and support activities and an extensive communication, education, and awareness program. It includes four subcomponents: (a) establishment of a specific institutional framework for rural energy and water services; (b) implementation and support activities; (c) communications, education, and awareness; and (d) project management, monitoring, and evaluation. Finally, the third component is the Capacity building and sectoral technical assistance. This component will support the GoG in broader electricity and water sector reform. To support and implement the GoG strategy for the electricity and water sectors, profound changes are required on the part of sector institutions. In this respect, actions to strengthen capacity of these two sectors have been identified and will be supported through the project. The identified activities are mostly at the technical level to assist with policy implementation.

Main Objectives

To expand access to water and energy services in targeted rural areas

Main Activities

Rehabilitation and construction of rural electrification infrastructure, including installation of solar home systems (SHSs) and mini-grid solutions
Provision of goods and equipment required for the purpose
Construction and installation of wells and water pipes for drinkable water;
Communications, education, and awareness
Implementation support, supervision, and M&E
Establishment of a specific institutional framework for rural energy and water services
Implementation and support activities
Project management, monitoring, and evaluation
Capacity building and sectoral technical assistance

Outcomes and Impact

Annual Budget (in millions)


Currency Used

US Dollar

Modes of Financing

Patnering Entities

Countries Active

Energy Sectors and Subsectors

Renewable Energy


Contact Person or Organisation

Roger Coma Cunill


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